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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The ABCs of the ACA

The new year will bring more changes to the Affordable Care Act and more concerns for businesses affected by its mandates. Navigate through complicated tax forms and avoid penalties.The post The ABCs of the ACA appeared first on Heartland Payment Systems. #yashta

11 Ways to Boost Online Sales

The NRF expects online holiday sales to increase 6-8% from last year. Make these simple changes to help your checkout page convert browsers into buyers.The post 11 Ways to Boost Online Sales appeared first on Heartland Payment Systems. #yashta

Life After the EMV Liability Shift

October 1st has come and gone, but EMV is here to stay. Whether you have chosen to upgrade or are still trying to decide if you should become EMV-ready, heres what you should know.The post Life After the EMV Liability Shift appeared first on Heartland Payment Systems. #yashta

Truth Serum for Deceptive Lending

Expert education and real-life insights into the world of lending shine a spotlight on deceptive practices. Heres what you need to know to avoid pitfalls and less-than-truthful lenders.The post Truth Serum for Deceptive Lending appeared first on Heartland Payment Systems. #yashta

Holiday Essentials Every Small Business Should Leverage

Its that time of year. Businesses of all sizes are jumping at the opportunity to increase sales and security. Learn how your small business can prepare for the holiday demand. The post Holiday Essentials Every Small Business Should Leverage appeared first on Heartland Payment Systems. #yashta

imple Guide to the EMV Liability Shift

More than 45 percent of merchants have not begun preparing to accept EMV cards, and more than 40 percent haven’t even heard of the liability shift. Learn the who, what and why of the October 2015 EMV liability shift.See original article

EMV and Restaurants

Potential benefits of implementing an EMV solution and high-level information guiding you to a successful EMV implementation for restaurants.Read full article