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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

HR Problems Solved!

Payroll Insurance Integration

No Penalties for late tax payments and noncompliance

No Year-End Audits


Call Sunset Insurance to find out more!


Monday, February 27, 2012


Sunset Insurance has saved some local businesses significant amounts of money on workers compensation insurance premiums. Call us 505 247 2578

Sunset Insurance Lowers Workers Compensation Cost

Sunset Insurance of Albuquerque welcomes its newest customer CM Roofing. Sunset Insurance lowered workers compensation insurance cost by 30% for CM Roofing!


401-K Plans

What Benefits Does a Mutiple Employer 401-K Plan Provide? To Determine how Sunset Insurance can have an immediate impact on your organization, call us today at 505-247-2578

1.)  Reduced Liability

2.)  Reduced Administration

3.)  Reduced Cost

Workers Compensation Insurance

Sunset Insurance Agency can Lower your Workers Comensation Insurance Cost...

Sunset Insurance welcomes:

Our Newest customer East Mountain Interagency Fire Protection Association traning program - Special Event Insurance

Friday, February 24, 2012

PayPal Software

MarsPro 3.5 from Marsoft is now avialble for processing credit cards via PayPal.

Free Restaurant Point of Sale

Marsoft is now offering FREE Point of Sale Software for Restaurants!

Free Retail POS

Marsoft is now offering FREE Retail Point of Sale Software!

Free Coffee Shop POS

Marsoft is now offering FREE Point of Sale Software for Coffee Shops.

Contact Sunset Insurance

Come to our office 2701 San Pedro NE ste 21 or call us at 505 247 2578 and let us review your auto insurance policy to see how much you can save. We offer most affordable auto insurance in Albuquerque.

Sunset Insurance new customer

Sunset Insurance welcomes our newest customer A RONS PEST CONTROL INC.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

a personal project

I just posted a video on You tube called Cowboy Dream. Its the second in a series I\'m making based on 19th century cowboy poems, he cowboy 10 commandments was the first. here is the link:


Monday, February 6, 2012

landscape video

I just returnrd from the Malpais national monument in New Mexico for the cowboy poetry series I am doing. A friend created the music for the video

and its almost done. I will post a link to it here when it is finally uploaded.

I just finished the first soot

I just finised the first shoot for a talented sculptor her in Albuquerque and will be shooting more of his work soon.

The sculptor  bought a hero camera to record how he creates his work and I will be editing the video to make

a training video for him. On another front, the videos for the wellness Dr. are done, I am waiting for them to call me regarding

th final title to go on the project