On the 27th I have a meeting scheduled to discuss a series of training videos. I\'ll post more news on this as it comes in

Yashta is all you need to build a strong presence on the web without spending a dime! Yashta provides a platform where you can make money from your online presence, have an online store where you get paid directly from the buyers of your products or setup your restaurant online ordering system in second! Go ahead and Build Yours today.
Search This Blog
Sunday, December 25, 2011
New Project
On the 27th I have a meeting scheduled with a client about building a series of training videos.
I will post additional info regarding this project as sone as I know more
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Large Format Digital Printing
Simple One Stop Printing offers fast turnaround large format digital priniting of banners, signs, posters and canvas.
Oxygen/Ozone Sauna treatment therapy
Visit Alternative Wellness Official website to learn more and schedule your Ozone/Oxygen Sauna.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Ozone Treatment Products Albuquerque
At Alternative Wellness we now offer Ozone Treatment products.
Visit Alternative Wellness Products page and find all you for a Ozone Therapy.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
ZombieZoo Cuddly Plush Zombies
Toxic is a venomous little snake that likes to bite the hand that feeds her. Which would be her own… that is, if she had a hand.
ZombieZoo Cuddly Plush Zombies
Boo, the natural born leader at the Zoo, is a curious explorer who often leads the others on excursions in hopes to find what lies beyond the Zoo.
Buy your Cuddly Plush Zombie Toy
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I just finished shooting a video of a chid center putting on a live version of Angry Birds under a black lite.
It came out cool and will be used on the centers website
Best Car Insurance in Albuquerque
Whatever your car insurance needs, Sunset Insurance can help you find a plan that fits your budget and utilizes all the discounts available.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Need a website?
If you like my web page, I can set one up for you
and teach you how to use and update it. It\'s only
$49.99 a year and easy to maintain. I can also
provide pictures or videos for the site too. contact me
if you want to know more.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
A New Product for my Customers
I just finished training and aquireing the tools to create
video sinage where a client sets an LCD tv vertically on a wall
or in a display window to announce or display a new product
or service that you would like to announce to your customers
Monday, November 28, 2011
Microsoft #Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
Microsoft Wireless Comfort Desktop 5000
With a wireless connection, you can eliminate clutter and work from anywhere in the room—up to 30 feet away.
Gateway All-In-One
Gateway ZX4931 All-in-One Desktop,
Pentium E5500 (2.80GHz),
21.5\" HD 1080 Display Touchscreen,
640 GB HDD
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Demo Reel
I just loaded a demo reel of some of the projects I have been doing, I hope you like what you see
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
USB Credit Card Reader
We now have Mini White Magnetic USB Universal Swipe POS Credit Card Stripe Reader
on sale for only $45.95 with FREE SHIPPING
Give a Gift of Puppy
This holiday season consider giving a gift of German Shepherd Puupy!
German Shepherd puppy
We have one female German Shepherd puppy left. @$1000 each
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Health & Kinesiology Certification Course
Become a Certified Kinesiology Practitioner in just 4 months
when you complete our Kinesiology Training.
Free Infra-Red Sauna
State of the Art Infra-Red Sauna, helps soothe joints, detox and burn up to 600+ calories in one session.
Free Bio-Mat Session
Claim Your Free Gift of Health, Wellness and Happiness
at Alternative Wellness of Albuquerque.
Free Bio-Mat Session
Claim Your Free Gift of Health, Wellness and Happiness
at Alternative Wellness of Albuquerque.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I am building a demo reel, a mix of different videos i have produced to post on this site. It should be coming very soon.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Breeze All-In-One
We have a refurbished Breeze AIO (All-In-One) system available for immediate delivery.
Visit our online store to learn more.
#Visual Perceptions Big Campaign
Visual Perceptions is now running advertising on Google Adwords network.
Visual Perceptions is the best vision care clinic in Albuquerque
Visual Perceptions on Google Adwords
Visual Perceptions is now running advertising on Google Adwords network.
Visual Perceptions is the best vision care clinic in Albuquerque
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I am getting requests to bid on video
projects, watch here for news
i have recieced some requests for bid on video work
march here for more news
Monday, November 14, 2011
Real Estate Property News
The real estate properties in the south valley of Albuquerque, New Mexico are varied in price and size. Lots of at least 1.5 acres and more are available for horses and livestock. Tranquil in its setting, these real estate propteries offer a variety of lifestyle living.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Software for #Authorize.Net Gateway
DNA Pay is the best software to process credit cards if you have Authorize.Net gateway.
Canadian PayPal
MarsPro 3.5 supports Canadian PayPal Website Paymet Pro Accounts.
Download MarsPro 3.5
If You use PayPal Payment Pro, then MarsPro 3.5 is a must have software.
A smart, simple and affordable software to swipe a credit card and process it through your PayPal account.
A USB Swiper is all you need to start your PayPal Point Of Sale for only $24.95.
New version of MarsPro works with Canadian Accounts.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Eye Library By Visual Perceptions
Eye Library is a great source of information for you to educate your self and learn more about your eyes and ways to protext them.
Online Appointment
Visual Perceptions is now offering online appointment for :
Ocular emergency
Annual Eye Exam
Contact Lens Exam
InfantSEE Exam
Follow up
Best Eye Care in Albuquerqe
Eye care and eye exam in Albuquerque by Visual Perceptions, LLC.
At Visual Perceptions we use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure a perfect diagnosis.
We proudly accept the following Health and Vision Insurances
Aetna Medical, BlueCross Blue Shield, Presbyterian, Tricare, United Health Care, Aetna Vision, Eyemed, and Superior Vision.
Better than Vista Print
Simply One Stop Prints of Albuquerque offers the best
Free Business Card Printing deal to all local customers.
Get 250 FREE Business Cards and keep your business local.
T-Shirt Printing Albuquerque
T-Shirt printing in Albuquerque has never been easier and more affordable.
High school t-shirts, uniform t-shirts or promotional t-shirts with highest quality and best price
only at Simply One Stop Prints of Albuquerque.
Our State-of-the-art t-shirt printing in one the best in New Mexico.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Pepsi T-Shirts
Simply One Stop Print in Albuquerque printed Pepsi T-shrits for the local company.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Magnetic Water Treatment
At MagTec we work exclusively with Physical Water Treatment, specifically #Magnetic Fluid Conditioning as we believe it is the safest, most #environmentally sound way to treat hard water.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Alternative Wellness for a Better Lifestyle
Alternative Wellness is commited the best in alternative medicine and complementary healthcare.
Alternative Wellness is family-owned and operated health and healing clinic in Albuquerque.
Alternative Wellness of Albuquerque have been providing quality alternative healthcare services and remedies since 1996.
Please visit Alternative Wellness web site to learn more.
Domain name for $3.99
Purchase a non-domain product and get your Domain Name for only $3.99 for first year.
Monday, November 7, 2011
latest project
I will be shooting a video for a sculpter here in town. This video will be used in the new website that the artist is having built to promote his work
Business Cards Special
At Simply One Stop Prints we are runing a special promotion for Business Cards.
Contact us for more details and to order your Business Cards.
Double-Sided Full Color
Double-Sided Full Color Business cards
Best quality and price at
Simply One Stop Prints
Special Shape Business Cards
Special Shape Business Cards are now available at
Sunday, November 6, 2011
SEO Booster produces great results
1- Content Optimization
This includes your website Title, keywords and contents. Keyword density should be around 3-5% and Title most clearly present your website main objectives.
2- Links
This step requires more work. Basically, you need to get link in other web site to point to your web site.
If we could acheive just the two above items, the web site we try to optimize will be in good shape.
SEO Booster does exactly what we need to simplify the process of optimization and speed up the results.
In a series of posts I will analyze several cases where we got the site to come up to the first page by creating as SEO Booster page, which is highly optimized and palyed the role of an anchor to pull the main web site up to better ranks!!!
In the mean time I invite you to review the SEO Booster at:
You will also find a list of current SEO Booster sites at:
Business Cards Special
Business Cards SEO Booster is now available.
We offer special deals for business card printing.
We are number one when it comes to Business Cards in Albuquerque.
See our deals at : Business Cards Albuquerque
Gift Card Software
Gift Card Smart version 3.0 is now available.
Gift Card Smart is now provide you with a HTML button for your website
so your customers can check their gift card balance online!
Friday, November 4, 2011
PayPal Swiper Software
PayPal Swiper Software or MarsPro is now in its new vesrion.
Marspro 3.5 supports Canadian PayPal accounts too.
Several other imrovements have been made.
One thing has stayed the same and that is the great price:
ONLY $24.95
Visit PayPalSwiper.Com to download your FREE Trial today!.
Barcode Scanners on Sale
We have barcode scanners on sale.
Point of Sale barcodes scanners USB, hadheld and easy-to-use.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Gift Card Smart
Yet, a better result comes when gift card offers rewards. Every time a consumer uses a gift card, or reload the card, so many reward points will be added to the card. Reward points hold a cash value and are redeemable.
Point Of Sale Systems by One Stop POS in Albuquerque
We at Marsoft LLC strive to provide our customers with all they need to run a smooth business operation.
We have teamed up with largest suppliers of Point Of Sale hardware in the United States and through these partnerships we are able to offer the best prices for point of sale hardware.
We also offer best restaurant, coffee shop and retail POS software for FREE.
At Marsoft we have done a lot to make sure when we claim to be a ONE STOP POS it is for real.
Business Cards Printing and Business Card Design in Albuquerque | Simply One Stop
business cards on laid and linen stock available in white, ivory or gray
Full color business cards, flat or raised Ink options