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Sunday, November 6, 2011

SEO Booster produces great results

When it comes to search engine optimization for your website, you will find out that every expert recommends at least the following steps:

1- Content Optimization
This includes your website Title, keywords and contents. Keyword density should be around 3-5% and Title most clearly present your website main objectives.

2- Links
This step requires more work. Basically, you need to get link in other web site to point to your web site.

If we could acheive just the two above items, the web site we try to optimize will be in good shape.

SEO Booster does exactly what we need to simplify the process of optimization and speed up the results.

In a series of posts I will analyze several cases where we got the site to come up to the first page by creating as SEO Booster page, which is highly optimized and palyed the role of an anchor to pull the main web site up to better ranks!!!

In the mean time I invite you to review the SEO Booster at:

You will also find a list of current SEO Booster sites at: