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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Yashta account levels and benefits

Yashta Page Account Levels and Benets Choice - FREE Page and Member Benet Choice Benets Include: • Instant web page including a large prole banner, company logo, photo/video and information area. • Mobile Page • Events Calendar • Social Media Management Tool • 2 Daily Postings • Customer Database Tool • Analytics • Yashta Announce • Public Visibility - Choice pages are visible to the general public and will be part of the Yashta ad network.  We may competitive advertising where deemed appropriate by Yashta including ads that may compete directly with the subject matter of a Yashta page. Prime - $4.95/mo Prime Benets Include: • All Choice Benets PLUS: • No Advertising (Please note: Outside videos added to your page, ie. YouTube videos, may carry advertising over with them.  Yashta does not have control over outside company advertising.) • 5 Daily Postings • RSS feed Postings • Unlimited rotating photos • Visitor trafc report  Premier - $9.95/mo Premier Benets Include: • All Prime Benets PLUS • eCommerce function allowing you to sell product directly through your web page. • Free set-up of secure credit card processing and gateway • Unlimited, FREE Choice Pages through your main web page • Yashta Group - A feature of Yashta allowing the page owner efciency in communication by quickly building an internal community.  A Yashta Group can be public with membership granted upon request of prospective member or can be made private with membership by invitation only.  Multiple Groups are available. • Unlimited Postings • Ad Sales Revenue • Photo Albums • Priority Customer Service Response - You will move to the head of the pack and will be the rst one we respond to and the rst to have questions/comments addressed by our Yashta Team.  You will get same-day responses each and every time. • FREE Domain For a Year • Fully-Branded Yashta Page - This feature removes all Yashta logos and is completely branded to meet your business or interest requirements. • Privacy Settings for Visibility - You have the ability to make your page public which can be viewed by anyone or private and only visible to those with a password.  Get your FREE Yashta Page now: LLC - We Simplify Technology

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