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Thursday, September 12, 2013

INTRODUCING YASHTA.COM - THE NEWEST, ALL-IN-ONE, DIGITAL BUSINESS ARSENAL Simplifies Online Business Visibility through Social Efficiency and a Content Management System Paired with Privacy-Centered Communications (Albuquerque, NM) September 6, 2013—Yashta ( today announced the successful launch of the most affordable and sophisticated online business tool that merges social media efforts, blog postings, a custom website with mobile version, a website content management system and a privacy-centered communications forum into one easy and efficient tool. Kourosh Tari, Yashta CTO and Creator, says, “I originally designed Yashta as a SEO booster for businesses that had existing websites.  While a Yashta Page does organically increase most search rankings of an associated website, the benefits of having a Yashta Page are far greater. For a business, the development of online visibility can often be daunting.  I simplified the process by developing a hub that consolidates social media outreach combined with an easy-to-use website content management system with directions that can walk just about anyone through the process of opening a Yashta Page. Yashta increases the digital exposure of any business or person, allows for effective communication with existing customers while opening the door to reach a broader audience.” After 2 years of development, new life was infused into Yashta when a partnership with Steven B. Chavez sparked the final launch.  “I immediately saw an opportunity with Yashta when I was introduced to the product,” stated Mr. Chavez.  “Not only does a Yashta page increase the visibility of my business, but the ‘Group’ feature allows me to create a company intranet with custom privacy settings. This feature alone saves thousands in development costs.” At Yashta, we want to be straight forward and simple.  Setting up a Yashta Page is unlike most social media platforms that are usually free.  There is a one time fee of one dollar for a Yashta Page with baseline functionality.  We charge a dollar to protect the integrity of the Yashta Page database by ensuring the page owner is committed to using it’s many features to their benefit and that the information is potentially more credible than a FREE page. Yashta maintains a clean database full of active pages, and the practice of charging one dollar helps with that process. The options available for Yashta Pages are as follows: Choice - One time fee of $1Choice Benefits Include:- Instant Yashta Page including a large profile banner, company logo, photo/video and information area.- Mobile Yashta Page- Social Media Management Tool- 2 Daily Postings- Customer Database Tool- Analytics- Yashta Announce - Public Visibility - Choice pages are visible to the general public and will be part of the Yashta ad network.  We may competitive advertising where deemed appropriate by Yashta including ads that may compete directly with the subject matter of a Yashta page. Prime - $4.95/moPrime Benefits Include:- All Choice Benefits PLUS:- No Competitive Ads- 5 Daily Postings- RSS feed Postings- Unlimited rotating photos- Visitor traffic report  Premier - $9.95/moPremier Benefits Include:- All Prime Benefits PLUS- Yashta Group - A feature of Yashta allowing the page owner efficiency in communication by quickly building an internal community.  A Yashta Group can be public with membership granted upon request of prospective member or can be made private with membership by invitation only.  - Unlimited Postings- Ad Sales Revenue- Photo Albums- Priority Customer Service Response - You will move to the head of the pack and will be the first one we respond to and the first to have questions/comments addressed by our Yashta Team.  You will get same-day responses each and every time.- FREE Domain For a Year- Fully-Branded Yashta Page - This feature removes all Yashta logos and is completely branded to meet your business or interest requirements.- Privacy Settings for Visibility - You have the ability to make your page public which can be viewed by anyone or private and only visible to those with a password.Yashminology (Yashta Terminology in alphabetical order)Ya - adverb - /yah/ - The Yashta way of saying “Yes!”Yashboard - noun - /ya’sh-bohrd/ - A simple content management system that allows the owner of a Yashta Page to track Page build progress, make changes or updates to the Yashta Page, evaluate Page analytics, set up a Yashta Group, post an announcement to the Yashta Announce Page, or do any type of design or content upkeep for a Yashta Page.Yashgatory - noun - /ya’sh-guh-tohr-ee/ - A landing page within that all users are redirected to until they have fully completed their registration process. Users will land in Yashgatory prior to moving into the build phase of their Yashta page. No worries. It’s just temporary.Yashta Announce - noun - /ya’sh-tuh * uh-nouns/ - A free and open community forum within Yashta that allows Yashta Page owners or Group members to create a community and consolidate other interesting Yashta Pages into one place to see updates or recent communication. Yashta Announce is the place where Yashta Page owners can post promotional content or interesting news to potential or current customers and open the line of communication.Yashta Group - noun - /ya’sh-tuh * groop/ - A feature of Yashta included in the Premier package allowing the page owner efficiency in communication by quickly building an internal community. Upon activation, a Yashta Group allows for posting of messages, photos and videos to the Group created by the Yashta Page owner. A Yashta Group can be public with membership granted upon request of prospective member, or it can be made private with membership by invitation only.Yashta Machine - noun - /ya’sh-tuh * muh-sheen/ - What we lovingly refer to and the machine that it is. Yashta Page - noun - /ya’sh-tuh * peyj/ An online website developed through that socializes your business news and updates, can jumpstart your business visibility, empower online presence and support efficient internal and external communication. The Yashta Page consists of links to Page owner-related websites and social sites, logos, photos and videos along with owner-developed content that details the Page owner’s business. A Yashta Page showcases news and updates, is the portal for Yashta Groups & Yashta Announce, and assists with developing a customer database.About YashtaYashta “See and Be Seen” -  This affordable and powerful online platform is an effective social media consolidation tool paired with an easy-to-use website content management system. Yashta is a business tool that merges social media and blog management, a custom website with a mobile version, a privacy-centered communications forum and analytics that will increase online visibility of an associated business by empowering online presence via computers, tablets and mobile devices. This combination of functionality can result in improved search ranking and business visibility for connected websites  and Yashta pages allowing for more effective customer outreach. In addition, Yashta will unleash your intracompany communication potential, promote your business, entice followers, and may add additional revenue to your bottom line. Yashta products include the Yashta Page, Yashta Announce, Yashta Group and so much more. Owned by KoreLogix LLC, Yashta is headquartered in Albuquerque, NM. Copyright © 2013 Korelogix, LLC d/b/a Yashta.---- For more information, please contact:Season Elliott, 505-414-2099SC3 International - Communications &

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