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Friday, November 22, 2013

Virtual Staging â Outside the Box

Virtual Staging – Outside the BoxSubscribe: Marketing Homes Blog“Blinging Properties to Life”Email: StagingPads@aol.comContact: (800) 894-7033As a real estate agent I have learned that not all listings are created equal! Some by the nature of the location, the competition or the price may not bring the traffic needed to educate the seller to what needs to change to get the property sold. Sometimes the staging and marketing requires some right brained clearly out-of-the-box thinking. That is where Virtual Staging comes in. Not all sellers have furniture in their homes. Many have moved out and not all can afford traditional staging. Staging is part of the triangle that needs to be balanced to sell the home. Price, marketing and staging once balanced will result in a sale. But a home that is not staged is a home that has limited potential for buyers (unless it is a newly built home). While traditional staging is always the best option for selling a home, if budget is an issue, virtual staging comes in at about 1/10 the cost and has been proven to increase traffic. Find a virtual stager that understands real estate contracts enough to know not to stage things that convey with the house. Disclosures are everything in real estate so put a sentence in the MLS comments that some of the images have been virtually stages. Then you will reap the benefits of more traffic as a result of the great pictures on the MLS.

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