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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Upgrade Yamahas budget-friendly FZ-09 with Hyperpro, Termignoni

YAMAHA'S NEW three-cylinder FZ-09 wins over fans thanks to its fierce engine and lithe chassis, but the magical price point, under $8,000, came with some compromises.While the fuel injection is, at best, a bit abrupt, it’s certainly not a deal breaker, especially with the silky response found in the bike’s softer “B” power mode to calm things down. But both the front and rear suspension systems are woefully inadequate for the faster speeds the engine is capable of producing.EPM Performance is offering a complete set of Hyperpro suspension parts, a solution that costs less than $1,000 to get the FZ under control.While Hyperpro, of course, offers a fully-adjustable racing shock for the FZ-09, the 466-series option is more in line with the budget goal while still offering vastly improved damping performance. The 466 includes rebound and preload adjustability, in a DeCarbon shock chamber design that promises to prevent oil cavitation, important with the FZ’s shock mounted nearly horizontally, all for a price of $709. Add in a set of matched fork springs and fork oil for $159.And with the money the rider saves, there might be something left in the budget to give the FZ triple a bit more voice. Termignoni offers its new full system and the “Relevance” design exhaust canister.Starting at $1,075 for a stainless system with a titanium exhaust sleeve, Rossi’s exhaust supplier will add a significantly fiercer note to the inline triple and save additional mass from an already lightweight bike. And Termignoni offers a catalyzer equipped options as well for emissions concerns. #yashta

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