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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How to Best Use Virtual Staging For Listings

by Jim Gross on May 29, 2013 Last week my blog talked about how agents should use virtual staging in a way that works contractually so that buyers see the images as a positive and not misleading.  In general, stage only what does not convey and leave a comment in the MLS that rooms are virtually staged. There are several virtual staging companies that offer everything from enhancing landscaping to changing flooring, wall colors and adding window coverings. These types of staging techniques are great outside of the MLS listing. It might even be a great add on service once the property is well under contract and through inspections to let buyers think about changes they may want to make later.  As a virtual staging provider and real estate agent I would strongly suggest to keep any marketing staging that is to be done to list the home related to things that clearly don’t convey like furniture, pictures and house plants. If the virtual staging is done correctly, the results will far outweigh the affordable cost of virtual staging.  STAGING PADS Contact: Jim Gross 505-980-7788   EMAIL JIM http://www.marketinghomesonline.comJim Gross

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