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Friday, September 6, 2013

Develop Yashta Pages for Sale!

Tonight I decided to tell you about a simple idea, which could potentially makes you money, fairly easily.To begin with you will need a Yashta membership and it doesn\'t need to be a paid membership(Prime or Premier). Join Yashta with a Choice account for only $1.00 and get a Yashta Page.Build your page with a subject in mind, for instance life insurance. Promote your life insurance Yashta Page and drive traffic to it. More traffic to a website simply means higher value for the site.You can use relevant RSS feeds to create a content rich Yashta Page, which is picked up by major search engines.Now it is harvest time. Put your Yashta Page up for sale and the highest bid will win!You can list your Yashta Page on Craig\'s list, eBay or other online venues to find customers.There are many ways you can make money from Yashta and as far as I am concerned I love to see you making tons of it.Go ahead and get a Yashta Page and take the first step.Kourosh Tari - Yashta

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