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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Blast Off Business is coming soon to a business near you

We are working on our site, logos and business plans so that we can bring another valuable service to the small business community within the next few weeks. Blast Off Business will be a resource for small business owners that want to focus on their job and leave all the rest of the business set up to us. We will have several very affordable plans to choose from that will give owners a menu of services ranging from:
1. Business Consultation
2. Web Development and Hosting
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Graphic Design
5. Credit Card Processing
6. Point Of Sale Systems.
Basically everything from the website, logo and business cards to the hardware, software and accounting needed to run your business. All given on a very personal level at affordable prices. Look for more info. to come later this week from this Albuquerque, NM based business on how the platform will work.

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