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Friday, August 31, 2012

Help for small business owners coming to NM

Most people RUN for cover when they get an email from a SEO company or website developer. Generally over half of them don’t even work in the US! How can they know your unique needs if they have not been into your business. They can’t. But they sure can sell you an expensive Search Engine Ad Words campaign. That’s an expensive bandaid that will not stand the test of time my friends. Instead, climb your business to the top of the Google ladder organically. If $10 a month sounds like an affordable way to achieve this… look at some of our high producing web sites. We will be launching Blast Off Business from our Albuquerque, NM location in just a few weeks.
A few of our company services:
1. Business Consultation
2. Web Development and Hosting
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Graphic Design, bio video, business card and logo
5. Credit Card Processing
6. Point Of Sale Systems.
Everything from the website, logo and business cards to the hardware, software and accounting needed to run your business. All given on a very personal level at affordable prices. Look for more info. to come soon as Blast Off Business nears its startup.

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