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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Release Weight with Grace and Ease

\"Release\" weight?  Don\'t you mean \"lose\" weight?
If you tell yourself that you are losing weight, your literal subconscious mind looks for it, finds it, and puts it back on.  That has happened before, right?  Lose, gain, lose, gain, lose, gain.  Nothing about it is graceful or easy.
Now is time for a different approach.  Body wieght is not so much about the food as it is about the beliefs that hold the weight.  These subconscious beliefs, coming from childhood, life in general, ancestors, and society, are often hidden from us.  We don\'t know we have them.  Some of these beliefs typically include 

If I lose weight, I lose power.
If I am fat, I will be faithful to my spouse.
I am ugly.
Nothing ever works for me.

Learn how to find and replace hidden beliefs to support your weight release:

Coralville, IA, Sept. 11, 6-8 pm.  Register: 319 248 6408
Decorah, IA, Sept. 21, 6-8 pm.  Register: 563 382 4666 or
Albuquerque, NM, Oct. 29, 10:30-12:30.  Register:  505 764 6475

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