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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Household Tips for Odor Removal

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Household Tips for Odor Removal
When things get dirty and you get behind in cleaning sometimes unwanted odors can follow.
I know how this can happen especially with having kids and pets.
I like to use natural products. Over time I have discovered tried and true techniques that I know will leave things clean, fresh and odor free.
Are you ready to get cleaning?
Im a pro and Ill teach you some house hold tricks of the trade for efficient odor removal. If you have the ingredients you can get started today.
Here are some easy to follow household tips to help you stop odor in its tracks and leave your home smelling fresh and clean.
Cleaning and Deodorizing Windows and Window Tracks
Simple and easy to use- This recipe will clean your windows and neutralize musty mold and mildew odors that collect on the glass and window tracks.
Windows can catch and hold all sorts of odors from grease, smoke and food particles from the kitchen.
Smoke from heating systems, soot from fires, oils from pets and hands can all add up overtime.
A great household tip for cleaning grime and musty odors from windows uses simple

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