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Monday, July 30, 2012

What is SEO Booster

For many business owners, having a website is similar to having a business card. It identifies who you are, what you sell or do, and allows consumers to compare your products or services against other sites. Now, nearly every business owns a website, compared to a small percentage of businesses just ten years ago. Nevertheless, the question is: how many businesses actually take advantage of their very expensive website? Your website should be more effective than that business card, and just like a business card, you need to present it to your potential customers/clients. While your website resides on the internet, it may be in the “Cyber Graveyard”; hidden among pages and pages of similar other sites, unable to be found, generating no visitors, and subsequently no revenue for you.


Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine Marketing


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search results via the “natural” or un-paid (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results.


In general, the higher your website is ranked on the search results page, and more regularly a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users. SEO may target different kinds of searches, including searches for images, videos, academic information, news, local information and industry-specific vertical search engines.


As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the “Keywords” or actual search terms typed into search engines and which search engines are favored by their targeted audience.


Over 80% of people search for your products/services online and then immediately purchase (or schedule appointments). These rankings also influence other channels of sales as well.


Have you ever wondered…


    Why your competitor’s website shows up on the first page of search results and yours is buried in fifth or tenth page?

    How you can be on the first page, or even better on top of the first page?


Tuning up your website to satisfy a search engine algorithm and to have your website appear among the top results is a tough job, but we have found the solution! And the solution is Search Engine Optimization Booster or SEO Booster.


What is SEO Booster?


We, at Marsoft, have been in this business for years. We build websites, develop complex software programs, offer Search Engine Marketing and Advertising and also offer SEO services. We know it’s difficult, expensive and time-consuming to get your website to the top of the page in search results. Based on years of experience, research and hard work, we wanted to offer an inexpensive means for businesses to be at top of search results pages. SEO Booster is the result of that effort. SEO Booster:


    Supports Mobile Browsers Such as iPhone, Blackberry, Android and more

    Is “super intuitive” web software to create an instant website

    Is fully optimized to promote your business

    Works like a lift truck! Its main mission is to lift your website and increase its visibility and place to the best position available to it

    Could even be your main website, while you work on your elaborated website project.

    Is fully customizable and you can tune it to reflect your desired themes, colors and images.

    Integrates the power of Social Networks in one place in order to provide a better exposure for your brand.

    Allocates a video spot where you can have your YouTube video, which is a great push for better ranking.


SEO Booster is by far the BEST and most affordable supplementary tool to optimize your website for better results. Call Kourosh Tari, 505-990-0845 for more information,





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