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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Difference Between Blast Off Business Plans

Blast Off Business first built a platform for non-website designers (normal business owners who are not tech geeks…). We added video to make it possible for the average computer user to build out a beautiful site in less than an hour. We only charge $10 per month for the use of our servers and platform. Many small businesses will not need any additional services other than this.
For business owners looking for a more robust package we have 3 plans (described on the left side of our website) to assist in your business marketing.
The Pro+ Plan will include a member of our tech team to build a professional banner of the top of your website, post information about your company to the left side of the website, post images, you tube video and create the design with colors and background. This package assumes you supply the logo, images, company info and video for us to build your site with. By the way the Pro+Plan includes the website fee for 12 months saving you $120 right off the top.
The second is a graphics plan where we will take professional photo and video footage, create a You Tube Bio that we will drop into the video slot, develop a company logo, professional pictures to create an online company image and include 1,000 business cards.
Our third plan is for companies that also want to launch a complete online social media marketing campaign. This includes creating a Word Press Blog as well as setting up a business page on Facebook and linking it all up to work from your Blast Off Business account.
You can mix and match with Blast Off Business or just buy what you need along the way.
A few of our small business services:
1. Free Business Consultation
2. Web Development and Hosting
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Graphic Design, bio video, logo and business card design
5. Credit Card Processing
6. Point Of Sale Systems.
Everything from the website, logo and business cards to the hardware, software and accounting needed to run your business. All given on a very personal level at affordable prices. Look for more info. to come soon as Blast Off Business nears its startup.
Contact: 505-980-7788
EMAIL Blast Off BusinessJim Gross
Blast Off Business Website

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