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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Next Generation Websites... made in the USA, Albuquerque

The websites of yesterday were brochure format sites that gave lots of information about a product. But I have learned a lot from my brilliant 21 year old son who majors in Internet Security at UNM. \"Most people today either can’t or don’t want to read content on a site.\" Google looks for content… fresh daily content like the SEO Booster offers. But truly well made 21st century sites offer a creative platform where visitors can share info with other groups such as social or business media. They also always offer a place for people to sign up to receive something of value. Does your site offer these two features? If not, look no further!
A few of our small business services:
1. Free Business Consultation
2. Web Development and Hosting
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Graphic Design, bio video, logo and business card design
5. Credit Card Processing
6. Point Of Sale Systems.
Everything from the website, logo and business cards to the hardware, software and accounting needed to run your business. All given on a very personal level at affordable prices. Look for more info. to come soon as Blast Off Business nears its startup.
Contact: 505-980-7788
EMAIL Blast Off BusinessJim Gross
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