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Thursday, November 1, 2012

What is a short sale?

Since they’re a big part of the 45% of distressed properties in the market, I should probably brief you on them. A short sale isa term used to describe a property that is being sold for less than what is owed to the bank. Since the property is being sold short of what is owed, it’s referred to as a short sale.
Unlike how it may sound, there’s nothing short about it. A short sale can take months to finalize. Various factors can add to the time frame, such as; a second mortgage, liens, etc.
The upside to short sales are buyer bargains. The downside are decreasing property values in neighborhoods with a large volume of short sales.
It’s being debated on whether or not it’s fair for homeowners to be let out of their mortgage. What do you think?
Bonnie Kelly

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